Daily Zen: 2017102301


Day 1.

This week, I’m working on a challenge with another tangler named Amanda. We both have the book, “One Zentangle a Day” by Beckah Krahula.


Today’s tangle is for Day 1, which introduces Tipple, Static and Crescent Moon. I chose to follow the standard, Zentangle method, and started with dots in the corners and then connecting them with a frame. I used a simple string and filled each section with a tangle. I repeated Tipple in a second section because my string created four sections. Then I decided which way I wanted the tile to go and added my chop in the bottom right. Finally, I did some fairly simple shading to finish the tile.

This was actually lots of fun and very easy to do. On occasion, it’s really nice to go back to the basics!

Zentangle drawn on Strathmore Vellum Bristol using a black, Micron pen. Shading done with graphite pencil.