When you group a bunch of Locar tangles together they look a bit like cactus or succulents!
The techniques that I used on this tile are based on Eni Oken’s Distressed Tile Video . However, I didn’t follow the instructions exactly. (It’s probably a good thing I wasn’t baking a cake!) I already had this tile on my desk, with the Locars already drawn on it in brown pigma pen. I really wanted to play, but I also needed to complete this monotangle for this blog post.
I decided to ink over the drawing. But I also wanted to keep the border clean. I ended up coloring the border heavily with a white Prismacolor pencil. I went over it several times and used a Copic blending marker in between layers. My thinking was that the wax from the pencil would create a resist so the ink wouldn’t stick.
Then I inked. A lot. Too much. So I used Eni’s technique and ran it under the faucet. When it dried, I still had too much olive green in one area, but what the heck… I decided to continue. After all, I couldn’t make it much worse, right?
Well, yes, I think I could. After I got all the markers all over it with the colored shading, Eni is right… that’s the really ugly stage, and I almost threw it away. But I would still need a tile for tomorrows post! So I persisted. This is what I ended up with. And honestly… I think I kind of like it.
Zentangle drawn on Strathmore Vellum Bristol using a brown, Micron pen. Shading done with Distress Ink markers and colored pencil.