Art Journal: Christmas Book 2-5


The prompt for this day was “animal in a Santa hat.” I decided to double down, and I have two of them here! The hat and the scarf for the reindeer were actually done on another piece of paper, cut out, and glued to the image.

I love the idea of the deer having his own friend, the little winter finch!

On the left side is a color mixing exercise. This was done with the Daniel Smith Ultimate Mixing set. I used Hansa Yellow Medium, Pyrrol Red and Pthalo Blue to make all the other colors.

One of the things you learn from doing this is which colors are strong and which are weak. For example, to make the orange, I should have started with the yellow and added a tiny bit of the red. The opposite way I did it, the orange is more of a red-orange.

But it doesn’t matter, it just gives me some idea of what mixing these three looks like in various proportions.

Lots of fun!

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