It has taken a lot of persuasion to get Maize to appear… she is extremely shy!
Maize, partner to Trout, is a Corn Singer. She plants, waters, and cares for the tribe’s corn crop. She sings to the stalks so they grow tall and strong. She sings to keep away pests. She sings so the corn provides a bountiful harvest for the tribe.
Maize takes her coloring from the dried ears of native corn. She often takes her winnowing tray with her on outings because it is very handy for carrying lots of things, including the smaller fish Trout catches.
This Impkin has Type 2 Arms* with the Standing Body Type 2*. Her head piece is improvised, mostly from the Antenna Style 4* pattern.
The dark grey feather, her tie on shawl and the winnowing basket were improvised by me.
*These patterns are in the “Crochet Impkins” book, by Megan Lapp.
#crochetbook #impkinbook #craftyintentions #crochetpattern #amigurumi